Have You Been Charged With Aggravated Sodomy?

Aggravated sodomy is a serious crime that can result in a long prison term and registration as a sex offender. A conviction for this offense can be a stain on your reputation and may affect every aspect of your life. However, an accusation does not equal a conviction. Kimberley Berry is an experienced attorney who is dedicated to proving the innocence of those wrongly accused of sex crimes. She will guide you through this stressful time and do everything she can to help you get your life back.

Definition of Aggravated Sodomy

According to Georgia law (O.C.G.A. 16-6-2) the crime of aggravated sodomy occurs when a person “commits sodomy with force and against the will of the other person or when he or she commits sodomy with a person who is less than ten years of age.” Unlike the commonly understood definition of sodomy, the state of Georgia defines sodomy as “any sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another.” Therefore, sodomy can refer to both anal and oral sex.

The statute specifies that being married to the victim is not a defense for aggravated sodomy. Regarding the phrase “with force and against the will”, Georgia courts have defined “force” as both physical and mental coercion. Therefore, sodomy that occurs as a result as of threats and intimidation directed at the victim may be considered aggravated sodomy. “Against the will” means that the victim did not give consent. It may be that the victim actively tried to fight off the perpetrator. However, it may also mean that the victim was unable to consent due to intoxication, unconsciousness, or other circumstances.

Punishments for Aggravated Sodomy

Georgia has particularly harsh penalties for sex crimes. A conviction for aggravated sodomy carries a minimum punishment of 25 years in prison followed by a lifetime on probation and a maximum of life imprisonment. In addition, the offender is required to register as a sex offender, which will put severe limitations on their job opportunities and even limit the public spaces they are allowed to frequent.

Call an Atlanta Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

Do not let an accusation of aggravated sodomy ruin your life. Be proactive from the very beginning and hire an aggressive attorney to be your advocate with the authorities. Kimberly is a long-time trial attorney who has defended many clients wrongfully accused of sex crimes. She has extensive experience dealing with Georgia prosecutors and will pursue every avenue possible to get your charges dismissed or reduced. If necessary, she is willing to go to trial, where she will present your side of events and ensure that the accuser's story gets the scrutiny that it should. The earlier Kimberly gets involved in the process, the better for your case, so contact the Berry Law Group today!